【同义词辨析】 2020-01-09 反对object-kick

object: stresses dislike or aversion: ~ed to his sweeping generalization.   sweeping generalization一概而论

protest: suggests an orderly presentation of objections in speech or writing: an open letter ~ing the government's foreign policy.

remonstrate: implies an attempt to persuade or convince by warning or reproving: ~d on his son's free-spending ways at college.   (reprove友善批评,为让人改正错误implies an often kindly censuring or blaming intended to correct a fault,如gently reproved her table manners温和地批评了她的餐桌举止)

expostulate: suggests an earnest explanation of one's objection and firm insistence on the merits of one's stand: ~d at length on the reasons for her decision.

kick: implies a more informally a strenuous protesting or complaining: everybody ~s when taxes are raised.   (strenuous费力的竭力的implies requiring or using great exertion,如he made strenuous efforts to stop her他竭尽力阻止她,如a long strenuous march艰苦的长途行军)

object反对: 强调反感厌恶,protest抗议: 表示有条理地表达反对意见,可以是口头或书面,remonstrate劝诫: 通过警告劝说,让人改正错误,expostulate劝诫: 表示积极解释反对的原因以及优势,kick抗议: 口语词,表示强烈抗议或抱怨

记忆方法: 1)首字母OPREK重组成poker扑克<==反对

         2)反对的意思是论述相反意见mean to oppose by arguing against.  argue争论申论,是激烈地表达意见implies an often heated offering of reasons and evidences in support of convictions already held,如argued the project would be too costly争论道项目开销太大)